Raising Readers in Story County

About Us


The mission of Raising Readers in Story County is to support the language and literacy development of young children by providing books, caregiver guidance, and early childhood programs.


We envision a future in which generations of young children get a solid foundation in reading, communicating, learning, and relationships that helps prepare them to become successful students and contributing citizens.

  1. Children starting at birth will have experiences that help them thrive, come to school ready to read and learn, and read at or above grade level by the end of third grade.

  2. Caregivers will provide caring and stimulating environments that nurture the language, literacy, and social-emotional development of young children.

  3. Communities will help by providing effective early care and education, books for children, reliable literacy information, and support for caregivers.


We believe…

  1. Books and reading are vital for promoting knowledge, academic success, joy, empathy, and enhanced potential.

  2. Focusing on the critical first five years optimizes children’s cognitive, social-emotional, and communicative development.

  3. All children can learn and have amazing potential.

  4. Caregivers want the best for their children and can be a positive influence as their first teachers.

  5. Leading with empathy requires an intentional focus on children and families living with risk factors.

  6. Educating children is a shared responsibility and collaborating with caregivers and community partners is essential.


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