Reading Buddies
Reading Buddies is an out-of-school literacy development program that utilizes trained volunteers to provide reading support sessions for enrolled participants. Participant decoding skills are evaluated on the first day of program to determine lessons during the sessions. In addition, each session contains a shared reading component to apply new reading skills as well as provide a positive shared reading experience for both student and volunteer. This program is offered at no cost to the participant.
Reading Buddies is offered to children who are in Kindergarten, first, and second grade. These 45 minute sessions are held twice a week and supervised by RRSC site facilitators.
School year programs meet at the Ames Public Library, Northminster Church in Ames, and Memorial Lutheran Church in Nevada. All sites are available to the general public.
Partner organizations meet at the following sites: Fellows ACPC participants will meet at Northminster Church and Nevada Boys & Girls Club members will meet at Memorial Lutheran Church.
Spring Reading Buddies
Spring Reading Buddies is offered to students entering Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grade in the 2024-2025 school year.
Confirmed Sites:
Ames Public Library: Mondays and Wednesdays | Starts February 19
Memorial Lutheran Church (Nevada): Mondays and Wednesdays | Starts February 12
Northminster Presbyterian/ACPC: Tuesdays and Thursdays | Starts February 13
Spring Reading Buddies Student Application: Deadline Friday, February 7th
Spring Reading Buddies Volunteer Interest: Deadline February 3rd