Dialogic Reading
A Dialogic Reading Program for Preschoolers
Dialogic reading is a technique that you can use with your preschooler to promote shared reading. During shared reading, you have a conversation or a dialogue with your child about a favorite picture book that you have read several times together.
When your child is actively involved in discussing a book with you, they practice their language skills, learn new words and build narrative skills. They will eventually learn to become the storyteller of the book and you will become the listener.
Dialogic Reading Suggestions
Any picture book can be used for dialogic reading. Below we have listed some that we use in our StoryPals programs with links to websites you can use to help start conversations and work on vocabulary while you read.
Good Night, Gorilla by Peggy Rathmann. Good Night, Gorilla Dialogic Reading Guide
Dialogic Reading References:
Dialogic Reading: An Effective Way to Read to Preschoolers by Gover J. (Russ) Whitehurst